Monday, September 12, 2011

2011 PG 54, BORO 0

"Disaster at Penns Grove" will be the name for this game.  The worst defeat since 1914.

PG was ready and looking to avenge last year's defeat and to avenge their suspension from the playoffs.  A team with a mission.  Meanwhile our BORO was not ready as was evident in the scrimmages.  4 fumbles led to 4 scores.  Kudos to the Grove.  They are an excellent team. 

Our BORO can arise from this adversity.  If we win the next 7, we have a shot at home field for the playoffs.  PG has a tough out-of-state opponent.  If Woodbury beats Paulsboro and West Deptford beats Woodbury, then all will have one loss (assuming we beat Pennsville).  Our schedule strength gives us the advantage.

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